Setting out Board roles and responsibilities

roles and responsibilities pic

It goes without saying that the Board is legally responsible for providing governance of the organisation. In this regard the Board is expected to develop, implement and monitor all relevant policies and procedures that enable the organisation to meet its mandate. Ultimately the Board is accountable to the a number of stakeholders.

In order to ensure that the Board meets its obligations it is important to set out its roles and obligations which include but are not limited to the following:

  1. The Board should finalise a governance structure and ensure that all relevant policies are in place;
  2. Hire an effective management team;
  3. Ensure the fiscal viability of the organisation;
  4. Ensure that the organisation has a sound strategic plan in place;
  5. Maintain effective stakeholder engagement; and
  6. Provide regular evaluation of the strategic plans implementation and the performance of management and of the Board.

Collectively and individually, the Board must always act in the best interests of the Organisation. There must be a concerted effort to keep up on all updates to policies, procedures, relevant legislation, the strategic plan and all other relevant aspects that will impact on its effectiveness.
Members of the Board must always act ethically. They must not only regularly attend meetings, they must ensure that they are well prepared and able to make an impactful contribution.

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